Individual Profiles
- Our unique cornerstone product.
- Find out in 10 minutes what assessment centres take all day to do.
- It’s all about you and your leadership style
- What are your strengths?
- What’s your preferred way of communicating?
- What makes you tick?
- What could be your ‘Achilles Heel’?

The Perfect Teams system extends Carl Jung’s seminal work of 1921 ‘Psychological Types’ and brings it up to date for the 21st century.
Perfect Teams is all about your character rather than your personality. Our premise is that there is a need to get to where a person’s character once again counts as much as their personality.
Perfect Teams presents a framework for understanding yourself and others. This understanding helps you to create and develop perfect teams around you and throughout your organisation.
Each profile is unique. People use their report proactively and for their own personal and team development plan.
Most psychometric tests used today are based on either the 1900’s psychology of Carl Jung or the original research on trait analysis by Gordon Allport. They are all personality based.
Perfect Teams has been designed to integrate Jung’s idea of Introversion-Extroversion with modern research on how people process information in three essential ways. Combining these models gives six core temperaments, or styles, which in turn creates twelve (a dozen) characters.
We emphasise character over personality…
This integrated model provides a 21st century framework to understand self and others. Each of the twelve characters has a distinctive way of communicating and being in the world.
Perfect Teams is for the 21st century what the others were for the 1900s. It’s a refreshing new way to look at yourself and others. When you know what your own core preference is, and when you understand what the other eleven characters’ preferences are, you can predict where you will personally connect and see potential flashpoints.
The fundamental differentiator between Perfect Teams and other systems is that you quickly learn the skills to adapt and respond to all the characters and communication styles in real time. Each of the twelve characters has recognisable patterns and giveaways.
By picking up on the nuances you can immediately adapt and flex your own style to create connections with polar-opposites. Because you can recognise your own Achilles heel (your blind-spot – your weakest component) you can work on strengthening it so you can communicate with the people you would naturally shy away from or avoid completely.
Your new ability to tune into other people’s preferences allows:
✔ Better: meetings, presentations, sales calls
✔ Improved: team building, consultations, mediation
✔ Focused: marketing, reports, management
It’s simple:
The beauty of Perfect Teams is its simplicity. People get it, they remember it, and therefore use it. Consequently, what people love about Perfect Teams is the immediate results they get connecting with their clients, colleagues, and family.
Perfect Teams is all about:
Communication, Connection & Character.
How can I connect better with others?
Your indicator is all about understanding the communication and processing style you use most and how you connect with those around you.
Each character has a set of Dos and Don’ts, which we share with you…
If you want to connect to this person’s style: “do this”.
If you want to avoid potential conflict: “don’t do this”.
✔ The key to Perfect Teams is immediate adaptation in real time.
✔ Poor communication is rough, confused, and frustrating.
✔ Good communication is joyous, smooth, and flowing.
What’s the basis of this indicator?
It looks specifically at how people communicate and how they like to process information. It integrates Carl Jung’s idea of Introversion- Extroversion with modern research on how people process information in three essential ways: THINK, FEEL and GO. Combining Introversion-Extroversion with THINK, FEEL and GO gives six core styles. Adding information about a secondary processing style gives 12 nuanced styles. The Perfect Teams indicator provides a 21st century framework to understand ourselves and others.
How can I improve my own communication style?
When you know what your own communication style is and understand how others communicate, you can:
Predict where you will personally connect and see potential flashpoints. You quickly learn the skills to adapt and respond to communication styles in real time. You will consciously flex your own style to create far better connections with polar-opposites.
Who should use it and where?
Perfect Teams can be used wherever people come together, work together, solve problems together. It is most powerful when you are putting together a team or merging groups.
“The beauty of this indicator is its simplicity. People get it, they remember it and immediately start to use it to get results – at work and home.”